Fulfilling a girlhood dream

Raggedy Ann and Andy have been popular childrens toys since 1918. When I was about 5, I was given a Raggedy Andy doll. That was nice, and I played with it, but what I really wanted was Raggedy Ann. Of course, I was not allowed that because it was a girl’s toy and I was supposed to be a boy.

Cue forward a few decades. Last week I had a longstanding emotional blockage, one I didn’t even realize was there, suddenly get freed up and in response a flood of memories from my childhood came to mind again. That’s actually part of why I started this blog. One of those memories was wanting Raggedy Ann. So I decided “better late than never” and got online and ordered one. She was delivered today and I jumped up and down and squealed for joy when I opened the package.

Ann has been sitting in my lap all day long and I’ve been carrying her around the house with me. The deprived 5 year old girl inside me is deprived no longer.

Hello Cthulhu!


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