Hi! Call me Moriel. That’s not my real name, but I’ve decided recently that as dangerous as the United States is becoming for trans people that I should try to avoid using my real name online when discussing transgender issues. That’s the sad reality of the US today.
That said, I will be spending pretty much all my time here discussing trans issues: my own personal story as much as I’m willing to tell it, news about transgender rights, and thoughts on being trans in general
So who am I? Well, I’m getting older, in my 50’s. I’m a trans woman. I transitioned in the 90’s, so it’s been a while for me. I’m mostly lesbian, though I’ve dated a couple of men before and enjoyed it. I’m a computer geek. I’m a gamer, both tabletop and computer games. I like to read books. I am an amateur musician, though not a very good one. I’m learning how to sew. I also am a moderator on a trans Discord server and end up spending a fair bit of time talking to younger trans people and trying to help them navigate transition and survive as best they can.
I am also on Mastodon as @Moriel, which is linked in the page footer, below. In fact, Mastodon is kind of why I set up this blog. My server is not customized, so it has a 500 character limit on posts, which I find very frustrating, so this blog is where I’m going to post things that are too long for a single Mastodon post.
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